Monday, January 23, 2012

because somebody has to

Once again we relate the story of an everyday individual who strives to make a difference in this world.

He's a man not much different than you or I really, except he has a very unique function that sets him apart.   His name is Uckfay, but if that weren't bad enough, he is the one who has to review television, books, and other media to determine which content is morally acceptable for you and I to consume.  Evidently we are not capable of making those determinations for ourselves.

Uckfay wears a suit to work and reports to the Society of Blowhards, or SoB's for short.  He has his share of challenges, mainly physical, such as borderline diabetes from only consuming soda, because beer is not permitted by the SoB doctrine despite being made of all-natural ingredients.

And he also suffers from a sore neck from walking on only the right side of the street.

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